Join estateXchange

estateXchange is open to professional estate representatives, institutions and service providers based in Australia, for business-to-business use.


To become a user of the platform, the following eligibility criteria apply.

Professional Representatives

For Professional representatives - solicitors, professional trustees, accountants or financial advisers - we require evidence of:

  • the category of professional representative you fall into
  • your active industry registration/practising
 certificate (as applicable)
Please note: You will be required to have all supporting evidence readily available at the time of completing our registration form online.
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For Participants - including banks, share registries, superannuation funds, insurers, telcos, government, utilities or aged care providers - we require information at an organisational level.
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Getting started as a Professional Representative

If you’re a Professional Representative, the process for joining and using estateXchange is outlined below.

Complete a registration form
To do this, you’ll need to confirm your entity details and provide supporting evidence.
Review and sign an agreement
Expect a welcome email with activation instructions and you're ready to go.
Verify your identity
All authorised signatories must complete an electronic ID check. You’ll receive this via text message.
Complete a direct debit form
All estateXchange users must provide us with an active fee paying account, for platform billing purposes. Fees are charged via direct debit.
Complete your profile
So we can set up your profile, we’ll ask for your contact details, the name you want to appear on the platform and a list of all users to link to your profile.
  • Your registration will be reviewed within three business days.
  • Your estateXchange account will be activated within three business days following the receipt of required information in steps 3 and 4.

  • Expect a welcome email with activation instructions and you're ready to go.
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Get started as a Participant organisation

Participant organisations are invited to register their interest. Our team will be in touch to initiate a personalised process to get you started.

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Costs and billing information

estateXchange is a ‘pay per transaction’ platform. This means there is no upfront joining fee and there are no recurring subscription or membership fees.

Users are only charged for the Workspace transactions they make on the platform i.e. one flat fee per transaction and/or for the Standalone Tools they use (e.g. Fact of Death Lookup).

Additional support

Our team is here to help you get the most out of estateXchange.

If you have questions, our dedicated support team is available to assist.

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